Keneisha Craig beats roommate in head with Glock, tells her “This the last time you gonna do me like this”


26-year-old Keneisha Craig was involved in a domestic altercation with her roommate, Lanna Butler, at their Westline Drive Apartment residence on May 5th. When officers arrived, they spoke with Craig, who stated that she and her roommate had argued about a joke made in front of their friends. Officers then spoke with Butler, who said she and Craig were arguing about perfume, but it escalated when Craig threw water on her. Butler then claimed they both were face to face when Craig told her, “This the last time you gonna do me like this.” Craig then walked to her bedroom, returned with a handgun, and struck Butler in the face several times with it. Butler then claimed that she was able to exit the apartment and call for police.

The officers searched the apartment and discovered a Glock handgun along with ammunition. Officers then spoke with Craig, who stated that she did not hit Butler with her gun but with her fist instead because Butler was trying to enter through a window. Craig also admitted to officers that she threw water in Butler’s face. Officers noticed the knots on Butler’s face and asked Craig about them. Craig claimed Butler had “put them there herself like in the movies.” Craig was taken into custody for Domestic assault and aggravated assault.