Kenil’Yah Sherron stomps on mother’s back for missing son’s appointment


21-year-old Kenil’Yah Sherron had a domestic altercation with her mother, Shondra Sherron, at their Egypt Central Road residence around 4:50 p.m. on May 21st. When officers arrived, they spoke with Shondra, who stated that Kenil’Yah had become upset that Shondra missed her son’s autism appointment and threw Leggos at her head. When Shondra tried to walk away, Kenil’Yah walked to the back room and punched her in the back of her head, causing her to fall into the closet, which was when she started stomping on her back. Kenil’Yah spoke with officers, telling them she got mad at her mom for missing her son’s appointment and not picking up his check. Kenil’Yah Sherron was then taken into custody for domestic assault.