Sheris Richmond hits boyfriend with gun during altercation


42-year-old Sheris Richmond was involved in a domestic altercation with her boyfriend, Maceo Jones, at a Sunrise Street residence on May 9th. When officers arrived, they spoke to Jones outside, who said he and Richmond had argued. Jones stated that while he was talking to his stepfather about purchasing a vehicle, Richmond started to get aggressive toward him because he referred to his stepdad as his biological father. Jones claimed that Richmond then went to a bedroom, and he stood outside of the room, wanting to talk about the incident. Richmond then pushed him while reaching for a firearm and struck him with it. Jones informed officers that after he was struck, he got his belongings and went outside. While Jones was outside, Richmond started making threats of getting her cousin to hurt him. He then grabbed a hammer for self-defense in case Richmond’s cousins arrived. Jones informed officers that she fled the scene when he told Richmond about the officers being called.

Officers then spoke with Richmond, who arrived on the scene later. Richmond stated that she and Jones started arguing because she heard Jones talking about buying a car despite them struggling financially. Richmond then claimed Jones began to get aggressive towards her for questioning him. Richmond then claimed that when she ran past him to go to her room, she closed the door to prevent him from coming in by putting her body in front of the door. According to Richmond, Jones began to bang on the door, trying to open it. Eventually, the door flew open, causing an injury to Richmond’s thumb, and Jones began to push the door, squishing Richmond between the door and the wall. Richmond also claimed that during this altercation, she was able to grab her firearm and run outside the front door. Richmond states that while outside, she attempted to alert her cousin, who was cutting the grass, but was unsuccessful. Richmond then claimed that Jones grabbed her and tried to force her back into the house. Richmond managed to retrieve her firearm from her purse and fired a shot into the air to get her cousin’s attention. She later fled the scene after the gun was fired. Officers could not deem a primary aggressor, and she was taken into custody for Domestic assault.