Man charged when pulled over with 26.8 grams marijuana and 35 unidentified pills

44-year-old Lachester Hunter was charged with driving with a suspended license, driving under the influence, open container law, straddling lanes, possession of a controlled substance with intent to sell, possession of drug paraphernalia, and refusal to submit to a BAC test after reportedly getting pulled over with marijuana and white pills in his car.

Intoxicated man leads police in 10-15 MPH chase down trolley tracks

23-year-old Spencer Graves was charged with driving under the influence, leaving the scene of an accident with injury, failure to obey traffic officer, and refusing to submit to Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) test after leading officers in a slow chase that ended in him rear-ending a trolley car, per report.

Woman drives into oncoming traffic after taking Xanax and smoking weed

27-year-old Laura Watson was charged with DUI and driving with a suspended license after she drove into oncoming traffic on her way home from her “baby daddy daddy’s house.”

Mother initiates chase, repeatedly rams into woman’s car with children inside

22-year-old Coneshai Davis was charged with aggravated assault, driving with a suspended license, child restraint and financial law violation, and four counts of reckless endangerment after tailing another woman throughout traffic and repeatedly ramming into her vehicle. Davis reportedly had her three children inside the vehicle during the incident.