Chaela Toole shoots at women who were hanging out with her boyfriend


34-year-old Chaela Toole was caught after shooting at a Lowell Avenue residence on April 27th. Officers were stopped at an Arlington residence regarding an incident that occurred on Lowell Avenue. Officers spoke with Danisha Watson and Tyonna Meadows, who informed them that they were physically assaulted with a handgun and shot at by Chaela Toole. Both Watson and Meadows had been hanging out with Rufus Bingham, a male friend who is also Ms. Toole’s boyfriend. Toole arrived on the scene uninvited and blocked them in the driveway before exiting and fighting Meadows. Toole was observed to be armed with brass knuckles and a handgun.

Watson and Meadows then claimed that as they fled the scene, they observed Toole raising her handgun and firing several shots at them in traffic from her Dodge Challenger. Watson and Meadows then gave officers a description of Toole to officers. Officers arrived at the Lowell Avenue residence and noticed the Dodge Challenger matching the description, registered to the name Chaela Toole. Investigators interviewed Watson, and she identified Toole as the one responsible for the assault. Watson also stated she was targeted by association and that Toole showed up to confront her boyfriend and Meadows. A warrant was issued, and Toole was taken into custody on May 10th for two counts of Aggravated assault, one count of reckless endangerment with a deadly weapon, and two counts of discharging a firearm from within a motor vehicle.