Arielle Turner runs over ex-boyfriend in Toyota Corolla after he refused to get back together


34-year-old Arielle Turner was jailed on May 14th after hitting her ex-boyfriend with her car at his home on Wilburn Avenue. Latoya Stitt told officers that Turner knocked on the door asking to speak with her ex-boyfriend Tavares Adams, who is also Stitt’s brother. He then went outside and got into the passenger’s seat of Turner’s 2021 Toyota Corolla, where she talked about the two possibly mending their relationship. Adams refused and got out of the car, which caused Turner to become angry. Turner then drove up the grass hill as Adams walked to get back into his house. Adams told officers that he thought he had dodged being hit by her car but that his hand was struck as Turner drove towards him and opened the passenger side door. Officers later reviewed video footage provided by Latoya, which showed that Turner did hit Adams with her car and showed him rolling off the hood of the vehicle. This is not the first incident of domestic violence displayed by Turner, as she currently had bond conditions for a domestic assault involving Adams on April 9th.