Darian Jackson bites aunt after she throws her belongings outside


30-year-old Darian Jackson was involved in a domestic altercation with her aunt, Denise Jackson, at their Stephen Forest Road residence On May 19th. Officers arrived on the scene and spoke with Darian, who stated that Denise assaulted her. Darian told officers that she was sitting on the back porch when Denise approached her and told her she needed to contribute more to the house. Darian says that Denise then grabbed some of her belongings and threw them outside on the ground. Darian informed officers that when she tried to grab her items, Denise body-slammed her. Denise then got on top of Darian, picked up a picture frame, and slammed it on Darian’s head.

Officers then spoke with Denise, who stated that she told Darian she needed to clean up more, causing them to begin arguing. During the argument, Denise grabbed Darian’s items but was attacked by her. Denise then claims that Darian began striking and biting her on the arm before she regained control, holding Darian onto the ground. Officers observed injuries on both Denise and Darian and could not determine a primary aggressor. Both were taken into custody, and Darian was charged with domestic assault.


Darian Jackson of North Main Street Memphis, TN, was booked into the Shelby County Jail on May 20th, charged with domestic assault. A judicial commissioner set her bond at $350.

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